Flash Talk & E-Poster Presentation 33rd Lorne Cancer Conference 2021

SUGAR-seq enables simultaneous detection of glycans, epitopes and the transcriptome in single cells (#49)

Conor Kearney 1 , Stephin Vervoort 1 , Jane Oliaro 1 , Ricky Johnstone 1
  1. Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Multi-modal single cell RNA sequencing enables the precise mapping of transcriptional and phenotypic features of cellular differentiation states, but does not allow for simultaneous integration of critical post-translational modification data. Here, we describe SUrface-protein Glycan And RNA-seq (SUGAR-seq); a method that enables detection and analysis of N-linked glycosylation, extracellular epitopes and the transcriptome at the single cell level. Integrated SUGAR-seq and glycoproteome analysis identified tumor infiltrating T cells with unique surface glycan properties that report their epigenetic and functional state.